Thursday, August 15, 2013

About Classroom Flipping

This is a test video which helps explain what we are doing outside of class AND what you will put in your math logs at home each evening!!!


  1. Ok I understand completely but on our math pre- test I was having problems.

  2. Hey Jacob...
    It is ok that the pretest gave you some trouble. It was supposed to :) It's a way for me to really understand what you already know and what I need to teach you! I am so glad you take school so seriously!!!

  3. Sweet Boy! You do not have to apologize :)See you tomorrow!!

  4. by the way do you know how many dojo points I have plz

  5. and by the way on replys can you make the letters black cause i cant really see them

    1. Jacob, when we go to computer lab next time, I will give you a code to see them anytime you want!!

  6. hi Mrs. Sadler your movie was good today me and my mom watch it and think it was good to watch

  7. The math per test was hard

    1. Mrs. Sadler , Hello ! This is Barbara Young. Having a hard time figuring out what I'm doing wrong with my iPhone . I cannot see the math video, or Flipping out over math video. I can see every thing else . Any ideas?

  8. Figured out the iPad way to watch the videos.

  9. i been trying but i cant find them:)


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